It’s back-to-school time! The media is reporting on several states that have recently implemented or are considering policies to restrict or ban cellphone use in schools. With political polarization at its highest in decades, it cannot be overstated that this movement feels hopeful as a bipartisan issue. We can agree on the awareness and action needed for our youth.

While there are arguments for not restricting phones in school, such as emergency communication access and their use as educational tools, the arguments for limiting phones in school raise issues of safety and security, enhanced social interaction, and decreased cyberbullying. These factors are acknowledged in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ comprehensive advisory released by the U.S. Surgeon General, Social Media and Youth Mental Health. Considering that most youth have smartphones, they are the most common devices for accessing social media. And in an era dominated by social media platforms, the influence of these digital spaces on youth mental health has become a pressing concern.

As a Change Matrix Change Consultant and Communication Specialist, Jen Wilkins has worked with our partners at the Center for Applied Research Solutions (CARS) on the National Training & Technical Assistance Center (NTTAC) project. Together, we’ve summarized the surgeon general’s report in a document titled ‘The Impact of Social Media on Youth Mental Health: A Call to Action ‘. This document outlines the mental health challenges our youth are facing and the actions we can take. We urge you to review it and share it widely. Your support is crucial in creating a healthier school environment for our youth. Wishing you and yours a successful and mentally healthy school year.