Headshot of Jen Wilkins outside in front of a paneled wall wearing a navy top and clear glasses

Jen Wilkins in front of a black and white mural of angel wings

Jen Wilkins

Chance Consultant, Communications Specialist

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” – Mary Oliver

Jennifer Wilkins (she/her/hers) brings her experience in academic healthcare education and research program development, psychosocial support to those impacted by cancer, and advertising design. Lead to patient advocacy work through her lived experience and observations, Jennifer is passionate about health equity, art accessibility and equity, and the intersectionality of mental health and the expressive arts. Jennifer earned her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Advertising with a specialty in illustration from The Columbus College of Art & Design. A curious lifelong learner of the arts and sciences, as an artist, she is deeply inspired by nature and sustainable creative practices. Aside from being in her studio, Jennifer is happiest when traveling and breathing ocean air, tending to her edible landscape, and relaxing on the front porch brushing her two cats.