What’s Next? Community Action for Transformational Change
This three-part virtual roundtable addresses the impact of historical and present day trauma and social injustice on their mental health, provides self-care strategies, and identifies long term community engagement strategies to address the mental health of Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities. Join Part 3: What’s Next? Community Action for Transformational Change.
Fostering Equity in Community Wellness and Peer Support Programs Affinity Groups
Are you a leader in community wellness or peer support services for youth, young adults, or families? Interested in sharing and learning new strategies for fostering equity within your community, organization and services? These NTTAC sessions invite people to engage in dynamic and thoughtful discussion around fostering equity in community wellness and peer support programs.
Innovative Leadership Strategies for Mental Health Professionals – Part 1: Before the Storm
Join Change Matrix and the Pacific Southwest Mental Health Technology Transfer Center Network (MHTTC) for the first part of a three-part series on Weathering the Storm: Adaptive Leadership for Resilient Mental Health Organizations in the Pacific Southwest: Innovative Leadership Strategies for Mental Health Professionals...
Innovative Leadership Strategies for Mental Health Professionals – Part 2: During the Storm
Join Change Matrix and the Pacific Southwest Mental Health Technology Transfer Center Network (MHTTC) for Part 2 of a three-part series on Weathering the Storm: Adaptive Leadership for Resilient Mental Health Organizations in the Pacific Southwest: Innovative Leadership Strategies for Mental Health Professionals...
Consult a Clinician Office Hours
This discussion will center on understanding how a clinician’s role in a system of care can be better utilized. The forum is appropriate for questions about returning to school, barriers to care, clinician interests in mental health topics and system of care, and more.
Fostering Equity in Community Wellness and Peer Support Programs Affinity Groups
Are you a leader in community wellness or peer support services for youth, young adults, or families? Interested in sharing and learning new strategies for fostering equity within your community, organization and services? These NTTAC sessions invite people to engage in dynamic and thoughtful discussion around fostering equity in community wellness and peer support programs.
New Community for Family Leaders: The Family Exchange
Whether you are new to your role or you have been in the family movement for many years, the Family Exchange is a peer networking group to share experiences, innovative and effective practices, skills and knowledge, solution to barriers and challenges, and key information supporting your role as a family leader.
Peer Networking for Family Leaders Who Foster and Support Family Engagement
Whether you are new to your role or you have been in the family movement for many years, the Family Exchange is a peer networking group to share experiences, innovative and effective practices, skills and knowledge, solution to barriers and challenges, and key information supporting your role as a family leader.
Innovative Leadership Strategies for Mental Health Professionals – Part 3: After the Storm
Join Change Matrix and the Pacific Southwest Mental Health Technology Transfer Center Network (MHTTC) for the final session of a three-part series on Weathering the Storm: Adaptive Leadership for Resilient Mental Health Organizations in the Pacific Southwest: Innovative Leadership Strategies for Mental Health Professionals...
The Power of Peer Support in the Juvenile Justice System: From Incarceration to Inspiration
In this presentation, attendees will hear from three experts, certified peer counselors, who have served young people and their families within the juvenile justice system. These peers will empower attendees to empower those who work with young people, promoting leadership and awareness to break the stigma on those who have touched the system.
Peer Networking for System of Care Project Directors
Are you new to the System of Care approach and looking to connect with experienced peers? Are you a seasoned Project Director looking to reenergize your work? Whatever your experience level, the NTTAC Peer Networking for Project Directors group can help connect you with others engaged in similar work to share ideas, strategize solutions to common issues, and provide support during challenging times.
Transforming Funder and Evaluator Relationships for a More Equitable and Effective Field
The series is a call to action to deepen the impact of evaluation and learning in philanthropy and advance a more equitable and effective field. Session 2 will focus on actionable strategies to make evaluations more useful to philanthropy and to make change in the field and organizational practice so that evaluators of color can flourish.