Finance Director Vera Bruursema was born and raised in Massachusetts and was fortunate to be part of a loving and supportive family that enjoys spending time together. Her high energy is atypical of the average finance professional. She takes pride in forming meaningful relationships with clients and co-workers and enjoys learning about their lives beyond the job. Relationships should be founded on trust, mutual respect, and acceptance, and Vera does her best to lead by example.

Vera struggled with ADHD in her youth, but thanks to an incredible program in the Mid-West that specializes in helping kids like her learn to use coping methods to overcome executive dysfunctions and the use of meds, she eventually learned to thrive academically during her formative years, but still struggled socially. Vera earned her B.A. in Sociology at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Eventually, she acquired her MBA from the Isenberg School of Management on the same campus. It was not until her late 20s and very early 30s that Vera began to address other aspects of her life that were negatively affected by ADHD and sought out treatment in the form of talk therapy. With time and hard work, she learned to create the structure and community she needed to succeed personally and professionally. Vera firmly believe that if we harness all the aspects of ADHD, it is not a disability; it is a superpower.

She did not set out to be in Finance or Accounting, but found success working in the Client Advisory Services field for a public accounting firm. There, she used her superpower to help build and manage Accounting and Finance processes simultaneously for multiple clients for several years. Vera enjoys working in a collaborative environment where creativity and innovation are valued and every team member is empowered to make a meaningful impact, landing her at Change Matrix.

What drew you to CM?

My mother has always encouraged her children to make the world a better place whenever possible, and I thoroughly enjoy work where I can stretch my brain, develop new skills, build relationships, and help to build a better world for everyone. I am continually inspired by the work Change Matrix does. As a Neuro-Divergant and non-linear thinker, I strongly resonate with the Change Matrix philosophy of embracing differences and helping systems support everyone within their community.

What is your role at CM?

I wear many hats, but officially, I am the Director of Finance and lead the Administration Team. I do everything from managing the General Ledger and assisting with project budgets to working with the Admin Team to implement new systems, streamline existing processes, as well as collecting and analyzing data. It sounds boring, but as a data nerd, it’s right up my alley, and I find a lot of satisfaction in the work.

Which project or assignment are you most excited about?

My niche is working with companies to scale up by building consistent processes as they grow. Change Matrix embraces change and growth in an awe-inspiring manner, and I’m excited to play an integral role in that growth. There is no shortage of interesting and diverse projects to participate in, and I genuinely enjoy coming to work every day.

Why did you choose equity work?

We all deserve a space to be respected and loved in a healthy environment. Throughout my life, I have often felt isolated or “different” and have taken quite a lot of verbal abuse over the years, especially in professional settings. I am not alone in those experiences. Education and mentorship play a crucial role in fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation. Change Matrix works toward achieving this goal daily and actively lives its beliefs. I am honored to support them and be a welcome member of their community.