Why participate in 1:1 coaching? 

What if you had access to someone solely dedicated to your growth and development in your job and life? What if you, your needs, and goals were the driving force of the conversation? What if, in that conversation, you could reflect expansively in a space you trust, try on ideas and imagine possibilities, and identify and work to overcome barriers? What if someone asked powerful questions that could help you clarify your thinking and hold up a mirror in a non-judgmental way, affirming your progress? This is what coaching offers. This is why the Change Matrix Coordinating Center for Transforming Academia for Equity (TAE) included the opportunity to participate in coaching in this TAE cycle. 

The work of guiding team members in TAE grantee institutions is difficult. Diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging initiatives, such as TAE, should be better funded, appreciated, emergent, and supported by all levels of their institutions. There must be a clear path to inclusive and equitable environments for diverse faculty, staff, and students. TAE grantees have committed to a journey to implement, support, and develop activities to foster diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging within their institutions. The impact is uncertain, and grantees will learn and change throughout the journey. Coaching can support leaders in this work, providing an opportunity for continuous learning, stability, and growth. 

TAE leaders in coaching can choose to meet with an Adaptive Change Specialist (ACS) coach with whom they already engage in the work or a coach for another grantee. In the first session, they can expect to learn more about coaching, their coach, clarify what they hope to get out of coaching, and determine how often they will meet. Most sessions will start with an opportunity to steer the conversation in their chosen direction. If the grantee is not focused on a topic for the session, the coach is ready to help find a direction. This will reflect on past conversations; use humble inquiry to uncover important learnings, ways of being, and actions to take; seek clarification; and support decision-making about actions to take with purpose and desired outcomes. 

Coaching is an entirely voluntary and confidential process. The Coordinating Center includes coaches with diverse backgrounds and experiences, all trained to bring a consistent and responsive approach to the sessions. This supportive environment is designed to help you navigate the challenging and transformative journey you are on. Why not give it a try? Commit to one session and see if coaching could be a helpful, supportive experience for you. 

Submit a coaching interest form to the Coordinating Center today. A coach will contact you soon to schedule your first session.