One of Change Matrix’s partner projects is the National Training and Technical Assistance Center for Child, Youth, and Family Mental Health (NTTAC). From May 9-11, the Center will host its 2023 System of Care (SOC) Summit.

“The SOC Summit is an opportunity for all children’s mental health partners to reunite, renew, and re-energize their efforts to support children and young people with behavioral health needs, as well as their families,” write event organizers.

Here is NTTAC’s Description of the Summit and this year’s theme:

Across the nation, community-based organizations have come together to build a collaborative system rooted in helping families function better at home, in school, in their communities, and throughout life. Families, youth, and young adults have also been an integral part of constructing this ever-evolving system, making it better together.

Within this system, everyone has a role to play in supporting the well-being of children and families. Whether you work one-on-one with individual children, support multiple families, or design policies and programs that impact an entire state’s population, you can contribute to making a system that cares for all people—those we serve and those that serve.

Of course, no one person can be all things to all people. However, when we collaborate broadly and share expertise, new worlds become possible—our systems of care are made anew. The 2023 SOC Summit is a place for such collaboration. We hope you’ll join us and experience for yourself what it means to be Better Together: Building Systems that Care!

Anyone who is invested in the mental health and wellness of children, youth, and families is welcome to attend this event and is encouraged to register for a spot at this link.