Observed annually in May, Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Heritage Month is a time to reflect upon and celebrate the remarkable role of the AANHPI community in our nation’s history. AANHPI communities are made up of culturally and linguistically diverse people, representing populations from many countries and islands.

In 1977 the U.S. Congress chose the first ten days of May to commemorate the history and contributions of Asian American communities here in the U.S. This celebratory week became a month-long commemoration, and in 2022, the Biden-Harris Administration designated May as “Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month” to bring broader visibility to Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander communities and their unique needs.

Change Matrix celebrates the diversity of thought, lived experiences, and cultures of AANHPI communities this month and year-round! Please find a list of curated resources below!