Equity is a core value of who we are and the work we do at Change Matrix. Last month, we shared a statement based on our values as a company, that reflected our outrage, our compassion and our hope. We recognize that statements, while important, must be followed by actions. This month, we are offering examples of how CM has lived up to our statement and our value of equity as individuals, in our work, and how we partner with and support other organizations.

Equity has been the north star from the beginning of CM in 2007. CM, is a woman owned and operated company that includes staff across multiple generations from different racial and ethnic backgrounds, coming together across time zones on Zoom to be vulnerable, challenging, and open about our biases.

How We Approach Our Work with Communities: In one project that is starting up with community (virtual) interviews, we have worked to establish authentic relationships with communities/grantees who have worked with an evaluator in the past in both successful and challenging ways. We honor the relationships and remember that everyone doesn’t approach the work the same way. Working alongside community members is why we do this work, and we strive to be in a relationship.

The Language We Use: In recognition that the way in which we communicate is a strong component of equity, we intentionally observe, challenge and choose language to be more true to various lived experiences and find that it’s worth the time and efforts that it takes.

Reflection With Our Staff: In service of our CM community, we start every meeting with a community builder that is relevant to our background and how we show up to our work.  We know that in all of our work people come with lived experience and work is shaped by who we are and who we choose to be. In many of our projects, we offer coaching support. Even though coaching engagements may not focus on equity specifically, we look for opportunities to, bring it up, challenge people to think differently, and be brave in their work.

Continual Learning: As evidence of our focus on equity, we spend significant, on-going staff time on CM learning and application of that learning across our work and in our organization.

Read our statement of solidarity.