Headshot of Molly Kennedy outside in front of leaves wearing a black top and colorful beaded earrings

Molly working with power tools and sparks flying!

Molly Kennedy

Change Consultant

“The practice of love is the most powerful antidote to the politics of domination.” – bell hooks

Molly (she/her) is the white-bodied great-granddaughter of immigrants with ancestral roots in Germany, Ireland, France, and other places she is still searching to know. She is a creator, builder, proud wife of an Airforce Veteran, and mama to fur, shelled, and leafed babies. Her purpose on this earth is to be fully human in as many ways, places, and relationships as possible. She strives to consistently create and hold space where all beings can feel seen, heard, valued, loved, and healed. She recognizes the systems we work within are comprised of human beings who share common human needs and who wish to be liberated from the ways white supremacy culture dehumanizes and divides people and communities. Molly is a radical systems agitator and uses her relationship building and community organizing skills to co-labor toward a liberated humanity. When you reach out, she encourages you to ask about her nickname, “MacGyver” to begin your relationship.