Manny in a dark top smiling outside in front of lots of greenery

Manny sitting cross-legged in the doorway of a small mushroom house!

Manny Stegall

Change Consultant, Project Coordinator

“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” – Alan Watts

Manny (he/him/his) is passionate about leveraging his experience in clinical psychology intervention research and grassroots networking and organizing experiences to address access disparities in healthcare and community programs. Inspired by his experiences in crisis intervention, sexual assault survivor advocacy, and work with perinatal women, Veterans, and individuals with chronic illnesses, Manny is dedicated to driving positive change in social and healthcare systems. With a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology, he brings a strong foundation in understanding human behavior and mental well-being to his work, with a lens in equity and justice for marginalized groups.

Outside of his professional pursuits, Manny enjoys immersing himself in nature through activities like kayaking, hiking, and traveling. He also finds fulfillment in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, a discipline that complements his dedication to mental and physical well-being.