Change Consultant Kassandra Vivu is African, Asian, and Islander. Growing up in South Florida in a multi-race community, and with her family background, she learned about cultural differences early; became multilingual; and grew up with an understanding of minority communities, diversity, and mental health. Kassandra developed a passion for learning different languages, traveling, behavioral health, science, and criminal justice. This led her to pursue an education in those fields. After obtaining degrees in Criminal Justice and Science, she realized she wanted to do more, leading her to Change Matrix.

What drew you to CM?

I am passionate about the work Change Matrix focuses on. Change Matrix being women-owned and minority-owned also drew me in, as I identify as both and wanted to be part of supporting a company that does admirable work and has a team that I can relate to.

What is your role at CM?

I just recently started working with Change Matrix, but my role at CM is writer, editor, and communications. I had the wonderful opportunity to dive into projects such as Achieving Behavioral Health Equity (ABHE), Transforming Academia for Equity (TAE), and the 988 National Crisis Response Systems Training and Technical Assistance Center. Being able to see the back end of these projects has been a learning experience, and I look forward to continuing the learning process.

Which project or assignment are you most excited about?

The two projects I am most excited about are ABHE and TAE. I will be supporting the teams with editing, website management, and design, amongst other areas. I am excited about being part of these projects because I have the opportunity to flex my skills while learning and supporting the important work being done in the fields of behavioral health, public health, and education.

Why did you choose equity work?

I chose equity work because I believe in ensuring everyone is taken care of and has equal opportunities, resources, and treatment. I don’t ever want anyone to feel left behind or not heard. From a very young age, I’ve always felt that way and am grateful to have that mindset. This passion has led me to not only my education path but to the line of work I am currently in.