In social justice- and equity-focused organizations, it’s the norm for bold conversations to be had by people at all levels within the work. Increasingly, this is occurring in mainstream workspaces as well, as important questions of equity and justice arise between employees, employers, and clients.

Change Matrix (CM) has worked in tandem with the Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) to host introductory talks on implicit bias, microaggressions, and how to confront these issues through bold conversations in the workplace. A key takeaway was that “while many people shy away from these conversations, we have to reframe our initial reluctance to engage and embrace the discomfort.”

“Through the stories participants in the series shared, we’ve learned that there is a real need for this kind of space where professionals can be supported to learn and practice how to engage in authentic and meaningful dialogue,” reports MHTTC.

To further this work, CM has compiled a guide of Resources to help get the bold conversations started and guide people through them:

  1. How to Have Difficult Conversations When Working Remotely
  2. How to Navigate Difficult Conversations Remotely
  3. How to Handle Difficult Conversations at Work
  4. Difficult Conversations and Crossing the Divide