Senge in his 1990 seminal book, The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of The Learning Organization describes clearly the importance of a vision.

When there is a genuine vision, people excel and learn, not because they are told to, but because they want to. The practice of shared vision involves the skills of unearthing shared ‘pictures of the future’ that foster genuine commitment and enrolment rather than compliance. (Senge 1990: 9) Visions spread because of a reinforcing process. Increased clarity, enthusiasm, and commitment rub off on others in the organization. ‘As people talk, the vision grows clearer. As it gets clearer, enthusiasm for its benefits grow’ (ibid.: 227).

To bring theory into practice, Change Matrix invites your group to engage in a creative process to bring your vision to life: The Vision Board.

What is a Vision Board?

A vision board is a visual collage on a poster board. It’s simple, yet it can capture the imagination of people in your team or organization. The process of gathering and placing images to describe your vision on the board, will stay in the subconscious and guide the choices of staff in the organization to reinforce the vision.

Developing the Vision board

Materials needed:

Images such as photos, phrases, words, and other visual representations which relate to your, ideas, emotions, goals, desires, and opportunities. Collect images that may not make rational sense. Don’t over think!

Other art supplies that you enjoy incorporating into your vision.

A board of a size that can fit on a wall in your organization, where your group congregates frequently, e.g., lunch room, meeting room, or front lobby.

Scissors, glue (use one that does not cause rippling) and a stapler to attach your images and art supplies to the board.

Developing the vision:

At a group meeting, engage in dialogue about your hopes, and wishes. Explore what brings your group together – what excites them. Offer your vision as well. Then explain the purpose of the vision board and have the group select images and items they want to include in the vision. Hopefully, everyone will be able to articulate the vision and use it at times when vision should guide the direction of the work. Every six months or so –revisit and review the vision to make sure it is still relevant to the group and the work.

Please share the vision you created on the Change Matrix Facebook page!