Preparation is a critical and often overlooked part of a leader’s role in conflict. When leaders take time to identify the emotional, substantive and procedural components of the conversation, they can make intentional choices about their role and the process.

The LTC Preparing to Engage Tool provided here is adapted from the Leading Through Conflict Training. Preparation is the first phase of the process that all leaders in conflict should take the time to undergo. It involves preparing emotionally and identifying strengths and comfort as well as challenges in a leader’s relationship to conflict. Preparing substantively is to anticipate and prepare for the issues that are at the core of the conflict. While they will likely change as the process progresses, substantive preparation allows time to anticipate and gather information that might be important to the process. Procedural preparation is important to gain trust in the process of conflict engagement. Knowing the details – even logistics – increases feeling of safety and trust.

Download the tool (pdf).